Same day appointments may be more limited. We have many patients that come in on an “as needed basis”.
Please note that because of our limited appointment schedule, we may not be able to schedule you on the same day that you contact us. Especially towards the end of the week.
If you are ready for your chiropractic treatment, we encourage you to schedule.
We will certainly do our best to get you on our schedule as soon as possible.
We are now limiting our new patient acceptance to a few appointment times a week.
If you are a New Patient, we will email you all necessary forms to fill out.
Forms MUST be filled out prior to your appointment time or we may have to reschedule the appointment if paperwork is not completed.
If you do not have email, printer access, etc, certainly let us know and we will make arrangements to ensure your appointment time.
Especially now, because of our reduced work-week schedule, we have limited appointment times available.
If you have an appointment scheduled and fail to show up for that appointed time, it very much affects another person’s ability to get in for one of our limited appointment times.
With a “no-show “appointment, the next available appointment time for rescheduling will be a minimum of two weeks out.
Should this continue to happen, we may recommend a more suitable, walk in type of clinic for your Chiropractic needs.
We certainly thank and appreciate you in choosing us for your Chiropractic care!
Dr. Dave Sleman
Please email us at for scheduling